My first art market

I have been getting out of my comfort zone lately, which involves showing my art to the public and not keeping it to myself. I stumbled upon Grafitti Stockholm’s announcement that they had an art market and thought I´d join. I had no idea what to expect because I am a big newbie when it comes to markets. What I can say t was fun, rewarding and I got the chance to meet a lot of other great artists. The organization was great and the place was inspiring itself being located in the creative area “Slakthusområdet” in Stockholm.

I have had other expositions at school and with my graduation project so I knew it had to look good and I was prepared for questions. The Swedish audience is different compared to the Dutch one, I am used to people being in the mood for talking but most people rarely said anything more than “really pretty” and they stood watching my art for a while and then carefully took my business card. The ones that I where chatting most with were people from abroad.

Things I took with me from the market:

  • I have learned about an artist called Amelia Peláez, one guy said my work reminded me of hers. What do you think?
  • Some even said it reminded them of old-school Japanese tattoos.
  • People wanted to see something familiar in my art, they often said it looks like this or that. It’s fun because it makes people create their reality in my work and by looking at the things I´ve made.
  • It was good I brought my paper and markers with me because when it was calm in the afternoon I could make some new art and it was a great way to show the curious ones.
  • I sold one print and it made me happy, and what made me even happier was the teens from the couple that bought it, came the day after and said that “the print looks lovely in their home”.

I draw freehand I do not plan my work, it is my emotions and what I feel in the moment that create my art. Guided by inspiration from events during my everyday life, music, and my mood.

What’s next? I am working on a webshop at my site, if you cannot wait until it is finished, send me an email for a pricelist and I will happily assist you in purchasing any of my art.

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